Designed and implemented a watertight framework for both the automated and
graphically-interactive playing of the Hex Game in Python 3.12, according
to modern best practices and design principles.
Investigated, evaluated and applied a lesser-known branch of AI research to
the problem space, developing from scratch and implementing the maximisation
of custom cost functions.
Hollingdean Wednesdays Website
The Hollingdean Wednesdays website.
Hollingdean Wednesdays is "A fortnightly program of fun, free workshops and
events at Hollingdean community centre, including music, cooking, and poetry".
Funded by numerous charitable funds and trusts from the Brighton area and
further afield, the organisation exists to enable those who otherwise couldn't
to explore the arts with guidance from experts and educators in their
respective fields.
I design and develop the website in the form of a Python web application,
maintaining a Wagtail instance as a content management system to enable
the Hollingdean Wednesdays team to add content to the site as they see fit.
The website is designed with accessibility, simplicity and
robustness first, allowing ease of use by technologically challenged
users or those on old devices.
I also act as webmaster to the organisation, managing sourcing,
maintenance and billing of the services needed to keep the website running.
Achaea Modifications
My custom-made graphical interface for Achaea, implemented
on the Mudlet client. Every sub-window on the right is
custom made using the Mudlet GUI library Geyser. The left
hand side 'console' view is the heavily customised
main-game view.
The text-based MUD (multi-user dungeon) Achaea
incentivises scripting in dedicated MUD clients in order to gain an advantage
in the game. Most scripts are kept private in order to preserve a competitive
advantage. Some members of the community create and share scripts in order to
contribute to the game at large. I have released and maintained a variety of
Provides an interface to the Achaea character API that exposes
endpoints for the collection of information about the characters of the
Stores and persists retrieved character information in a structured format
in local storage, providing the user with methods for important context
evaluation. (Are there enemies nearby, evaluate the state of my allies...)
Developed both large and small programs designed to monitor a complicated and
ever-changing state and make important decisions based on real-time
analysis (via heuristics, priority tables, etc).
Open-sourced personal developments to the community, providing updates
and support to the user base.